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Creating knowledge about safe passage for fish in the Northern European river valley’s.

Inspired by the early adopting partners of and crowd response to the first Swim Fish Swim! exposition and game concept (currently located in Rotterdam Museum of Natural History) we are determined in building more communication concepts and tools supporting the vision of Swim Fish Swim!

To bring to life whats mostly invisible for us human beings, the underwater world of sweet water. The dynamics of canal, river and lakes nature. The whereabouts and challenges of its inhabitants, migratory fish especially. We want to reach at least a million people with one of our concepts and tools. Spreading the knowledge.

Making of SwimFishSwim! exposition and opening at the Rotterdam Museum of Natural History (first location on its journey)

Do you wish to become a information partner or want to know more about our vision and see how you can become involved in the vision of Swim Fish Swim! ? Leave your contact details and we will contact you within 24 hours.

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